Social Care
Encouraging good carers to be even better
Support Network
Board of Trustees
​The Social Care Support Network (SCSN) was founded by committed to promoting good social care and support practice across all sectors and service user groups.
We believe outstanding service quality occurs at the point of delivery between giver and the receiver of social care or support services, and SCSN wants to support initiatives resulting in excellent service delivery.
In an ever changing social care sector, SCSN recognises that everyone involved, from policy makers, managers, frontline cares and service users has a positive contribution to make in achieving excellence.
The Trustees are responsible for ensuring SCSN provides opportunities for those committed to improving practice to meet with other like-minded people to share experience and knowledge; and work together to achieve this aim.
We wish to support those with this commitment to make contact with each other, and to support and work in partnership other individuals or organisations who have the same objectives.
In the pursuit of good practice, we know that at times there is a need for support and even just a chat to talk things through, SCSN wants to be there to help this happen.
. The Trustees wish to hear from anyone interested in becoming a member (which is currently free). We urge managers and those with access to larger groups involved in the delivery of social care and support services to let them know about SCSN.

Welcome to the Social Care Support Network
It is new, it is local, it is free and it is made up of people like you- people who care about the services that we provide and believe that we all have a part to play in making them even better.
If you are involved with or work in social care and support services and every day you use your head, heart and hands to make the world a little bit better, we would like you to join us.
It is your opportunity to be part of a new group that values good social care and believes that those who deliver it should also be valued.
On this WEBSITE you will find a membership form, a copy of our constitution and an email contact address.
Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome, feel free to contact us and with us seek to make a difference
Areas of Practice